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Promotional Products Are A Smart Marketing Investment

Promotional Products Are A Smart Marketing Investment

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Promotional products are one of the most cost effective branding vehicles available to businesses. For small businesses, promotional products will help draw prospective customer's attention while fitting within a tight marketing budget. In this blog, I'll share a pretty compelling case of why you should invest in promotional products and I'll offer a couple of tips on how to get the biggest bang for your buck.

There are some pretty powerful stats supporting an investment in promotional products.

This one is my favourite stat because it's so darn compelling:  85% of people end up doing business with the company after receiving their promotional product. That's one heck of a conversion rate! 

And you don't have to spend a tonne of money to establish promotional products as a pillar in your marketing strategy. 

Let's take a look at a branded pen -- you can pick up a quantity of 250 branded pens at a cost of $1.25 each. So, your marketing budget will need to be $350. Those pens will stay in the hands of your prospective clients for an average of 9 months. Each pen will generate 3000 impressions. The cost per impression is less than 1/10 of a cent. Those are some impressive stats and that's a great return for your marketing dollars.

The best promo products to get started with are items of daily use -- go for a pen, a calendar, a mug or water bottle, a hat, a t-shirt, desk accessories like a mousepad or journal. And, you will want to invest in a product that your prospective client can use for several months -- so try to avoid low quality junky stuff.

Promotional products should all be branded with your contact info. One of the trends we're seeing right now is to print a QR code on your promo product to connect your printed or tangible marketing activities with your digital marketing activities. Now, obviously, this might not work on a pen where there isn't enough space to print your QR code so its legible; but it would work like a charm on a mug or on a water bottle. 

We're in the middle of purchasing some branded water bottles ourselves. We'd like to give these away as a small thank you to our clients. It was important to find something that would appeal to as many people as possible. A lot of our clients are out and about in their vehicles all day long -- so a water bottle would serve a purpose to help them stay hydrated while on the move. We have a number of clients who are office-based as well -- and who doesn't have a bottle of water on their desk at all times? So tick the box on the 'item of daily use' criteria. Promotional drinkware is kept an average 12 months-- so we'll go for something durable.  I think we'll print our logo, website and QR code on our water bottles.

I hope I've shared a compelling case for investing in promotional products and a couple of tips on how to maximize that investment.

If you are thinking about making a marketing investment in promotional products, then give us a call -- we'd be happy to help!


Emma and Dan

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