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Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, Plymouth MI

Third Judicial Circuit Court in Michigan - Frank Murphy Hall

Front of courtroom G2 in Circuit Court Plymouth MI

Protecting visitors and staff in the Courthouse from COVID-19

The Third Judicial Circuit partnered with Image360 at the onset of the pandemic for the creation of plexiglass barriers, (sneeze guards) to protect against the spread of COVID-19. 


The Third Judicial Circuit is the largest circuit court in Michigan, with 58 judges and three operating divisions. The National Center for State Courts has cited the Third Circuit Court as one of the model urban courts in the United States.

Front of courtroom G2 in Circuit Court Plymouth MI

Image360 Installed Plexiglass Barriers in nearly 100 Court Rooms

The Third Judicial Circuit had a limited time frame to access vital Covid Cares grant funding and tasked Image360 with the installation of plexiglass barriers in each of its 94 courtrooms before the December 2020 funding deadline. 


From the Witness Stand to shared desk space for staff, all areas that are populated during an actual proceeding needed to be protected.

Front of courtroom G2 in Circuit Court Plymouth MI

Permanent and Mobile Sneeze Guards Were Installed

Image360 installed more than 36,000 square feet of plexiglass in total. This included each of the courtrooms and many other public spaces.

Front of courtroom G2 in Circuit Court Plymouth MI

Completed Courtroom

Image360 Plymouth successfully installed a wide variety of plexiglass barriers in courtrooms all across the area. 

Although each and every courtroom was unique, Image360 worked daily with the authorities to complete all 94 courtrooms by the December grant deadline.


Everyone was very professional and pleasant to deal with. 

Lisa W - Plymouth, MI
