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Storefront Signs: 6 Tips for Choosing the Right One for Your Business

Storefront Signs: 6 Tips for Choosing the Right One for Your Business

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Your storefront sign is the first impression potential customers have of your business. It's the handshake, the eye contact, and the smile that says "welcome" before your door swings open.

In a crowded marketplace, a well-crafted and strategic storefront sign can be the difference between a passerby glancing in your direction and confidently stepping into your store.

Choosing the right sign for your business can seem like a daunting task, but when done correctly, it's a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. 

In this guide, we'll walk through six critical tips to ensure your storefront sign not only captures attention but also aligns perfectly with your brand message and customer base.

1. Understand Local Signage Regulations

Before you even begin envisioning the type of signage you'd like, it's crucial to understand your local area's regulations. Zoning laws, historic preservation regulations, and local sign ordinances can impact the size, type, color, and placement of your storefront sign.

Contact your city's planning or building department to get a copy of the local sign code. Some key points to look for include maximum square footage, how the sign is illuminated, whether you're limited to certain types of signage, and any restrictions on the use of digital signage. Knowing these regulations upfront can save you time and money in the sign design process.

2. Consider Brand Cohesion and Visibility

Your storefront sign should be a seamless reflection of your brand. It's not just about adding your company name; it's about the design, colors, and even the typeface used. Think about the message you want to convey. 

Are you a serious law office, a whimsical toy store, or a cozy café? Your choice of sign should be consistent with that image.

On top of this, the sign needs to be visible. Proper scaling and sight lines are essential—too small, and your sign may be overlooked; too grand, and it may not fit on your building or could overshadow your business's character.

3. Material Matters for Longevity

The longevity and maintenance of your sign are directly related to the materials used. Outdoor signage is subject to the elements, from sun and heat to rain and snow. High-quality materials not only make a better impression, but they also last longer.

High-density urethane (HDU), aluminum, acrylic, and treated wood are all popular choices. Be sure to factor in not only the visual appeal but also the durability and ease of upkeep. Some signs may require more frequent repainting or power washing, which can become costly over time.

4. The Art of Visibility

It's important to choose a type of sign that is not only legally permitted but also highly visible. Depending on your location and the surrounding businesses, this could mean a hanging sign, an awning with your business name, or a large-scale floor-to-ceiling window graphic.

Consider the distance from which you want your sign to be seen, the speed at which passersby will be traveling, and any obstructions that might block the view. For example, if your business is set back from the street, a large, clear, directional sign may be more effective than a small, detailed one.

5. Lights, Camera, Attraction

Lighting can take a sign from being seen to being noticed. Think about the use of spotlights, backlighting, or internally illuminated signs to ensure your business name shines—literally.

The type of illumination also plays into the design of the sign. Some businesses may opt for neon lights for a retro feel, while others may prefer the modern touch of energy-efficient LED lighting. Consider the aesthetic of your storefront and signage as a whole to create a cohesive and eye-catching effect.

6. Consistency Across Platforms

When creating your storefront sign, ensure it visually aligns with your brand’s presence across other platforms, including online and on social media. Consistency helps in strengthening your brand identity and makes your business easily recognizable. 

It means using similar color schemes, fonts, and logos as seen on your website, business cards, and social channels. It ensures that when customers see your sign, they immediately connect it with the positive impressions they have from your digital presence. 

This synergy across all platforms amplifies brand recall, and fosters trust among your customer base.

Wrapping Up

A well-chosen storefront sign is a silent but powerful salesperson for your business. It can communicate brand, generate foot traffic, provide information, and create an emotional connection with potential customers.

By understanding the regulations, staying true to your branding, selecting durable materials, ensuring visibility, and using lighting effectively, you can create a sign that does all this and more.

Remember, your sign is not just a one-time expense; it's an investment in your business's future. Take the time to choose the right one, and you'll be reaping the benefits for years to come. If you need further assistance or design advice, consider consulting with a professional signmaker who can translate your vision into the perfect storefront beacon.

When all the pieces come together, your storefront sign will become an iconic marker for your business, a fixture in the community, and a catalyst for growth. Now, it's time to turn this information into action and make your storefront sign as unique and vibrant as your business itself.

About Image360 Newport News

Image360 Newport News is your one-stop destination for all-in-one signage needs for your business. From graphic design to refurbishing, we do it all. 

With an array of local networks and quality consultation teams, we give you the best signage for your business in the country. You can reach us at 757-873-5777 or fill out our contact form to know more.

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