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Future-proofing your educational signage

Future-proofing your educational signage

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Educational signage isn’t limited to schools or campuses! In fact, facilities of all kinds make use of educational signs to keep guests, visitors and staff informed of a variety of things: the history of your organization, safety policies, standard procedures and much more.

As with any kind of sign installation, you’ll want to ensure that your education signage isn’t just up-to-date but is also as evergreen as possible. The last thing you want is to blow out your budget for signs and graphics by needing to update them every other year; instead, think about how you might go about future-proofing your signs.

How can I make my education signs evergreen?

Here’s a few things to keep in mind when designing education graphics and displays for your facility:

  1. Phrasing: The way you go about writing copy for your graphics is a big part of how dated the message will feel. For instance, making inadvertent reference to the date the graphic was designed with phrases like “60 years ago” will end up requiring you to update that copy. You can go more generic by saying “more than 50 years ago” on a history wall, which will be more accurate for much longer. Alternatively, you can go more specific by pointing out the exact date of an event – “We were founded on March 1, 1992.” 
  2. Placement: Affording yourself a degree of flexibility in terms of placement may be the best choice for certain kinds of educational graphics. Choosing a less permanent installation option, such as an A-frame or retractable banner stand, can allow you the freedom to place your graphics wherever they may need to be. This is particularly useful for when you’re hosting an event and need to educate attendees on where different areas (such as registration, reception or the restrooms) are. 
  3. Consistency: What you’re informing your visitors, guests or staff of – safety procedures, a walkthrough of how your product is made, your business history, or anything else  – should be a consistent message. For graphics that may outline how to use a particular piece of equipment, or how to handle certain regulatory procedures, this should be fairly straightforward, as government regulations often standardize these instructions. But regardless of your message, if you have the ability to create a consistent message for your audience, you should try to do so, as this will ensure your graphics are as evergreen as possible.
  4. Plan ahead: Many institutions will use part of their educational signage to thank their donors, supporters, alumni, long-term employees and more. If you do this, make sure to plan ahead and leave room in your displays for future entries and consider mounting solutions like stand-offs so panels can quickly be removed and updated! While it may be easy to simply install a wall mural thanking everyone who’s supported you so far, there will always be more in the future; not planning ahead can end up being a far more costly re-design, rather than a simple addition of new plaques. Planning also applies to more short-term designs – if you’re placing window or wall graphics for a limited event, you may want to go with a vinyl that will be easily removed, instead of one that will require extensive labor time to remove once the event is over.

How do I start educating my audiences with outstanding signage?

By talking to Image360! We’re your local experts on bold visual communication solutions, with exceptional support that will guide you every step of the way. Contact us to set up a consultation today.

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